2020 Lockdown
I started this painting March 15th,2020, at the beginning of lockdown. It was a Covid large canvas and I decided to start with a Staffordshire hand painted vase that I bought at an antique shop.....thinking I'd use it some day in a painting. I chose a large canvas 30 x 25"...larger than I usually use. I wanted to fill it with a variety of flowers but since most of the florists were shut down, I relied on Whole Foods who always have a good selection. But I couldn't possible fill the vase with all of them at one time, because by the time the time it would take to paint them all at once, most of them would have died. So I painted each group of blossoms,,,, one at a time. Each time I went to Whole Foods I bought 2 different types of flowers and took them home for a "try on"..These shots will show the process. The last things I added were the oranges on the left and the tea cup and saucer for balance to the right. The entire process took me 5 weeks to complete.